Thursday 8 November 2012

TORQUE: The Countdown

SIX DAYS TO GO until the Bush Bounce performance!

It feels a little bit like going up the ramp of a log flume - excited, terrified, and repeatedly questioning why I have done this to myself. But it's too late to get off now!

There's still a lot to be done. Tonight we're getting the final few scenes on their feet, and working on the transitions. As I've said before, the play is split into two 'realities', one of which is set in a club, so Bradley has been busy editing music to go with those bits, and I have absolutely no idea what music he has chosen. I do know it will be music with a heavy bass, and we spent one evening playing songs on YouTube to each other so I'm sure he's picked songs I will be happy with!

On Saturday we have the RADAR Festival 2012 Meet and Greet party, which should be fun. Dreadful timing though, because on Sunday we have the mammoth of all rehearsal days. Seriously, our rehearsal is about eleven hours long, and I don't think I'm even exaggerating. But it is our last rehearsal before the tech and dress rehearsal the day of the performance.

Oich... There's that log flume feeling again.

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